Anyhow, here I am laying down an update on the “eve” of my biggest race of this year, Ironman St. George. Maybe I chose to write tonight because, honestly, I’m kinda freaking out, so to speak, and hey, why not document that...?!
My mind is sort of a jumble of thoughts and hyper-intense emotions, from angst to nervousness to total excitement. It’s a little overwhelming! While my nerves have been going up and down all day today, they have definitely been intersected by moments of feeling totally pumped up and like I cannot wait for tomorrow!
Right now, as I write this, it is just nerves. But I’m sure once that alarm goes off bright and early in the 3 o’clock hour, I will be ready to do it big!
I have high expectations for tomorrow. I’ll go ahead and throw it out there. I will even say, for the first time in writing, that my goal is to qualify for Kona. Yep, writing it out definitely seals the deal. That is what I want, what I will be gunning for tomorrow, and what I have been setting my sights on – and pushing myself for – since last triathlon season ended.
This is my “A” race -- go time; no holding back.
I will also be honest and say, though, that qualifying for Kona is a lofty goal. Since I turn 25 in December, before the “race age” cutoff of Dec. 31, I have to race up in the 25-29 age group, which is arguably the toughest one. And seeing some of the girls here has admittedly made me a little bit intimidated. They look super strong!
But, I know I am strong too. And I am ready. And I want it, and I will race that way tomorrow. And in the end – and what I keep telling myself is – all I can do is go out there and lay EVERYTHING out on the course. And if I race with passion and race with guts, I don’t see how there’s any way I won’t do that. And if that gets me a PR, or my goal time of sub-11 hours, or a qualifying spot in Kona, then all the better.
Right now all I can do is tell myself that I am prepared. My season has started off great. I am in better shape than ever. And I am driven for this day.
And tomorrow, what I WILL do is go out there and give everything I can to prove that.